June 18, 2011 celebrating the twentieth IQUEBRANTAHUESOS (QH) and VIII Treparriscos (TR)
Given the success of the previous edition, this year remains the same registration process , so pre-registration is required in advance, and pre-registered if more than seats available, there will be a lot of places.
If no pre-registration is not possible to enter the draw and therefore no possibility to participate in the bearded vulture or Treparriscos 2011.
Pre-registrations may be made only through the Web page The computer bulletin registration allows a maximum of 5 point, but you can sign up from 1 to that maximum.
Each person in the order of registration, is assigned a number and if there is a group of 2, 3, 4 or 5 people are assigned consecutive numbers.
In the Web page indicates the number assigned to each and the relationship of pre-registered.
preregistered If there are fewer than places available, all have a place.
if it is guaranteed that space corresponds to a group member, the others will also.
Be notified by e-mail to each of the lucky ones with square keys necessary for final registration, which must confirm through the website , making payment Immediate online on the Internet, through secure payment gateway using credit card.
unconfirmed Places on payment within the period specified, will be awarded according to pre-registered list, in ascending order starting with the first book to be the next to last to obtain a place
In the pre-enrollment baseline data are requested, name and surname, ID number, telephone number and e-mail. Fundamental
all are correct, can only be made final registration of the DNI, with that name.
Remember that the DNI should be made only with numbers, NOT FINAL POINT, only 8 digits.
THOSE WHO HAVE PARTICIPATED IN 15 edition, available in a permanent position and is not necessary to conduct pre-register, receive the keys to effective registration
can not make changes.
Only one person pre-registration, and verified that the same ID is not already signed up. Neither is allowed to pre-register the same person in QH and TR, we take into account the first pre made
The pre-registration or TR are separate, ie in the same journal all must be for the same test and can not be mixed of both.
Once pre-registered, the square will be obtained for the test indicated in the pre-registration, ie can not be changed from TR to QH or conversely
All communications (sending keys to the final registration) will be the e-mail stated in the bulletin, hence the importance of the e-mail indicated in the pre-enrollment is correct.
.- Prior to the draw will be communicated the maximum number of participants , permitted by authorities.
.- PERIOD OF PRE-REGISTRATION END .- MONDAY, 13 dicembre At 14 hours
.- INSURANCE .- To participate is mandatory or be federated at the Royal English Cycling Federation RFEC, or subscribe licensed day with the insurance provided by the organization:
valid insurance are the only accepted by the authorities.
.- Registration fee:
Cyclists federal € 35
; cyclists Federated € 45 (includes 10 €-day license)
In both cases you must include 5 € as deposit chip time control, which is refundable upon return.
.- dorsal previous assignment shall be communicated by e-mail from May 15, according to the time achieved in the Bearded Vulture in the last three years (2008, 2009 and 2010). Output in accordance with assigned race number.
Cycling Club in November 2010