Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Bruised Feeling In Head


How many times have we seen mathematical models that do not find application? Sometimes decades after they find any.

As an example, we have to Boole developed his theory in the 1850s and in 1937 only applied to digital circuits. Today, Boolean algebra is used as the basis of logical operations used in computing.

Moreover, Clifford developed his ideas in the 1870s (now unified in the "Clifford algebra") and only now (years 2000 onwards) is being implemented as a unifying model in computer graphics, being called "geometric algebra."

Just as in 1954 Calabi conjectured that the existence of a Kähler manifold "based on certain aspects. This was tested in 1977 by Yau, giving rise to space, "Calabi-Yau" is a fundamental part of physical theory of superstrings.


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