Thursday, January 20, 2011

Play Root Beer Tapper

Notes of private banks in Honduras' Banco Atlantida "

In the early twentieth century, state grants to Honduras U.S. companies that were involved in banana cultivation in the department of Atlántida consolidated the establishment of the Standard Fruit Company , which subsequently became the owner of the Atlantis Bank. This bank had its headquarters in the city of La Ceiba and began issuing their own notes since 1913, which in the beginning were called pesos. The Banco Atlántida SA . was founded in 1913. initially authorize the government to the Bank as the issuer official Atlantis of the new currency while the bank was organized as a single issuer of government. was the first issuer of paper money in the country. Before 1930, the currency was weight. In 1931 Congress established as official currency, the Lempira.

, Pic. ; S111 Weight .- 1 Date: April 1, 1913

Pic. S111 Weight .- 1 Date: April 1, 1913 contains a
In The Front Counter

S113 5 Pesos .- Dated: April 1, 1913
Foreground : Black with Blue

Weights S115 .- 20 Date: April 1, 1913
foreground color: Black with Orange and Yellow

Monetary unit: "Lempira"

Lempira S121 .- 1 Date: March 1, 1932
Foreground : Black with green similar to # S111
There are two series: Series A
(03/01/1932) PRESIDENT signature
Serie A (1-3 - 1932) VICE-PRESIDENT signature
Series B (7/1/1932)

# S122 .- 2 Lempira Date: March 1, 1932 Women
protect a child in the center of the front of the ticket
Front Colors: Black with Blue and Orange
Serie A (01/03/1932)

# S122 .- 2 Lempira Date: 1 July 1932
Women Protecting a child in the center of the front of the ticket
Colors Front: Black with Blue and Orange
Series B (1/7/1932)

# S123 .- 5 Lempira Date: February 2, 1943
similar to # S121
foreground color: Black with Pink and Orange
There are three series: Series A
Series B (01/07/1932) PRESIDENT Signature Series B
(07/01/1932) VICE-PRESIDENT Signature
Series C (02/01/1943) PRESIDENT Signature Series C
(02/01/1943) VICE-PRESIDENT Signature

S124 .- 10 Lempira Date: March 1, 1932
woman and child on the left and right. There
Several Series:
Serie A (03/01/1932)
Series B (1/7/1932)

# S124 .- 10 Lempira Date: February 1 1943
Woman and child on the left and right.
Series C (01/02/1943) PRESIDENT
Signature Series C (02/01/1943) VICE-PRESIDENT Signature

# S125 .- 20 Lempira Dated: March 1, 1932 Women
reclined in the center
Serie A (03/01/1932)

# S125 .- 20 Lempira to Date: 1 July 1932
woman reclining in the middle
Series B (7/1/1932)

# S125 .- 20 Lempira Date: May 17, 1945
Woman reclining in the middle
; , Series C (17-5-1945)                                                                             

Friday, January 14, 2011

Cervical Mucus And Period

History Private Bank notes in Honduras of 1992 Lempiras

   "Aguan Navigation Improvement Company"

Henry A. Blake , Stephen N. Fullerton , y Charles E. Rushmore are the founders of the company "Aguan Navigation Improvement Company" was the forerunner of the banana and railroad companies such as The Truxillo (Trujillo) and clear RailRoad Company, Standard Fruit Company when it merged. The banana also had the right to the issuance of currency or money and could form their own banks. An interesting thing, or during the colonial period, Honduras had its own mint where the coins minted, but unfortunately the lack of government vision got rid of that station makes coins.

Pic-S101 - S107 I mpresora: HLBNC . Ll T Tickets Back have V erde .

Pick S101 .- 50 cents to date: June 25, 1886
; ; Women to the Left,
President Luis Bogran of Honduras (1883-1891) to the Right
Color Black on Red

Pick S103 .- 2 Pesos date: ND (1886)
Color Black on yellow boat
and Train to the Left, the Right Boat

Pick S104 5 Pesos .- Dated: June 25, 1886
Color Black on gold
Right boat,
President of Honduras Luis Bogran (1883-1891) Left

Pick S105 10 Pesos .- Dated: June 25, 1886
Color Black on Red
boat Right
Luis Bogran President of Honduras (1883-1891) to the left.

Pick S107 .- 50 Pesos to date: June 25, 1886
Color Black on Green
Sitting Justice 2 Children Among
paddle wheel boat, the Right Vapor