Example Vector Linux 2008 National Meeting in
has finally arrived on the Ninth Meeting UdeC Linux really I am pleased to participate in this event.
The meeting will be held on 22, 23, October 24 (
more information.) For
behind or those unable to attend for work ... may attend on Saturday 25 to Gnome Day also
UdeC http://live.gnome.org/DiaGNOME For more information visit.
x Jlara
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
1950's Women In Corsets
UdeC Vectors, Arrays, Arrays or whatever you call ....
I always thought that one of the concepts we learn in any language has programming arrangements or vectors are even more so when we are mere apprentices and we do not have any basis solid knowledge in this. In Java an array is a set of variables (called elements or components) that stores values \u200b\u200bof the same type. (More
The following example is taken and adapted from the book
" How to Program JAVA" fifth edition of Deitel
I had the opportunity to purchase this great book and really good (the publisher been reduced by 40%).
{public class under public static void main (String args []) {
int array [];
/ / append each string elemntos the output under
I always thought that one of the concepts we learn in any language has programming arrangements or vectors are even more so when we are mere apprentices and we do not have any basis solid knowledge in this.
The following example is taken and adapted from the book
" How to Program JAVA" fifth edition of Deitel
I had the opportunity to purchase this great book and really good (the publisher been reduced by 40%).
/ / Creating an array
/ / http://geekslinuxchile.blogspot.com/
/ / Adapted from the book "How to Schedule Java "Deitel
/ / http://geekslinuxchile.blogspot.com/
/ / Adapted from the book "How to Schedule Java "Deitel
{public class under public static void main (String args []) {
int array [];
/ / Declare the reference in accordance arregl0 = new int [10]; / / Create under
String output = "Index \\ tValor \\ n";
String output = "Index \\ tValor \\ n";
/ / append each string elemntos the output under
for (int counter = 0; output + = counter counter + "\\ t" + array [counter] + "\\ n";
System.out.println (output);
As we do not assign any value to the array elements each element is printed with a default value (in this case 0).
(Soon .... will continue with the manual)
x Jlara < arreglo.length; contador ++ )
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Free Angel Blade Episodes
Learning JAVA Programming in JAVA
One of the programming languages \u200b\u200bthat always caught my attention is
for portability and is also multi pltaforma.
is why in this section I'll upload all my progress in this language ... not promise much as I am starting from scratch.
will use Java in Ubuntu 8.04 in a graphical environment to see how to install XFaces java visit the following link in this block (JDK on Linux Installing
) Creating our first program (Hello World)
NOTE: Save file with the same name and extension class. java ( HelloWorld . java) Compile javac
run java HelloWorld
(always follow this sequence with all the examples)
/ * First year of Java
http : / / geekslinuxchile.blogspot.com / Author: Jorge Lara Cravero * /
import javax.swing .*; public class HelloWorld {public static void main (String [] args) { String message = "Hello World"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, message, "Hello, World!" JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE) System . exit (0);
Include the class Input / * Jorge Lara Cravero
http://geekslinuxchile.blogspot.com/ * /
{public class
seek public static void main (String args []) {
Input data = new Input ();
(".... Enter string System.out.println ....") ;
dato.getValue letters = String ();
sentence ...."); System.out.println (".... Enter
dato.getValue String phrase = ();
String output = "is at index "+ letras.indexOf (sentence); System.out.println (output);
code runs as follows:
addition if you want your system says it is not! should be made a condition if - else considering that when the word is not the system will throw a -1
would be something like int a = letras.indexOf (sentence); if (a == -1 ) guess what happens
guess what else happens
x Jlara
One of the programming languages \u200b\u200bthat always caught my attention is
for portability and is also multi pltaforma.
is why in this section I'll upload all my progress in this language ... not promise much as I am starting from scratch.
will use Java in Ubuntu 8.04 in a graphical environment to see how to install XFaces java visit the following link in this block (JDK on Linux Installing
) Creating our first program (Hello World)
NOTE: Save file with the same name and extension class. java ( HelloWorld . java)
run java HelloWorld
(always follow this sequence with all the examples)
/ * First year of Java
http : / / geekslinuxchile.blogspot.com / Author: Jorge Lara Cravero * /
import javax.swing .*; public class HelloWorld {public static void main (String [] args) { String message = "Hello World"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, message, "Hello, World!" JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE) System . exit (0);
This second script looks for a letter or word in a string
Include the class Input / * Jorge Lara Cravero
http://geekslinuxchile.blogspot.com/ * /
{public class
seek public static void main (String args []) {
Input data = new Input ();
(".... Enter string System.out.println ....") ;
dato.getValue letters = String ();
sentence ...."); System.out.println (".... Enter
dato.getValue String phrase = ();
String output = "is at index "+ letras.indexOf (sentence); System.out.println (output);
code runs as follows:
note I wrote
Jorge Lara and I find the word in lower case
Obviously Lara! = lara
Note: images correspond to a more complete code because if you review the example all the console will addition if you want your system says it is not! should be made a condition if - else considering that when the word is not the system will throw a -1
would be something like int a = letras.indexOf (sentence); if (a == -1 ) guess what happens
guess what else happens
x Jlara
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Stranded With A Mirror
fake YouTube pages to attack computers
Hackers are taking advantage of social networks to send links to supposed videos of YouTube, where users have to update the software viewing.
Source (
Hackers are taking advantage of social networks to send links to supposed videos of YouTube, where users have to update the software viewing.
Computer security specialists warn that hackers are using fake pages
to deceive Internet users to open their computer to malicious software. Hackers send
alleged links to Google Video portal and links connect replicas YouTube realistic pages, indicating that it needs a software upgrade required to view video. OK, this update allows the hacker to install malware that could disable keys and steal data or take the control allow the affected computer. Chances are that victims do not realize it, since the pirated software will then send the real YouTube site showing the video promised.
This deception through fake YouTube pages, according to AFP agency is part of a growing trend of hackers to use the popular social networking sites where individuals share links and programs.
Source (
) Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Bath After A Brazilian
Creating a Trigger in MySQL
=> Insert the user who performed the surgery for free, - CURRENT_DATE () => Insert the date performed the surgery for free, - CURRENT_TIME () => Insert the time it was performed the surgery for free,
But inserting records such as the code or name for the record to delete (or update) with a trigger requires more skill I hope to be clarified now.
` int (11) default NULL, `CODFRABICANTE ` int (11) NOT NULL,
VALUES (100, 'MOUSE', 4230, 5),
(101, ' DELL Notebook ', 439223, 3),
(102,' Tower 50 DVD + R ', 7110, 1),
(104,' Base Notebook ', 22514, 8),
(105 , "Computer Assembled PIV ', 178214, 10), (106,' Multimedia Keyboard PS / 2 ', 4491, 6),
(107,' Aspire 5610 Notebook ', 466223, 4),
(108, 'Laser Printer', 12591, 7)
(109, 'Headphone and microphone Gamer', 18923, 9),
(110, 'USB notebook lamp', 9000, 5),
(111, 'mouse pad', 891, 10) ,
(112, 'Key PAD', 2691, 1),
(112, 'Screen Cleaner', 4500, 8),
(113, 'Backpack Notebook', 29723, 6);
CREATE TABLE `manufacturers` (
`CODE` int (11) NOT NULL, `NAME
` varchar (100) default NULL,
INSERT INTO `manufacturers` (`CODE`, `name`) VALUES
(1, 'National Isumo and co. ")
(3,' Dell Computer Inc. '), (2,' HP '),
(4,' International Steel '),
(5,' Genius'), (6, 'PC Tronix'),
(7, 'Sony'),
(8, 'Kensington'),
(9, 'Logitech'),
(10, 'National Importing');
ALTER TABLE `articles`
Well we already have 2 related tables (manufacturers and articles) now create a new table we will call changes.
CREATE TABLE `changes' (
` id `int (11) NOT NULL,` nombre_art
`varchar (50) default NULL, ` user `varchar (50) default NULL,
`DATE` TIMESTAMP (0) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00 ', PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
This table will store the item id, name, user, date and time to delete a table record manufacturers. Building
Trigger CREATE TRIGGER `` informatica. Fabricantes_before_ins_tr `` BEFORE DELETE ON `computing`. `Manufacturers`
SET id = old.CODIGO changes, nombre_art = old.Nombre, username = CURRENT_USER (), date = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
In this case I used it
is a delete
in the table but if it were a
update or insert to use the alias New
Now we can only eliminate any record of the table manufacturers and reviewing changes in the table as has been almacenda information.
Note: To create trigger must have super user attributes database engine.
(If it fails check the semicolons and Blogger did remove some special characters to upload the information.)
more information in wikipedia x Jlara.
In this short article will show how to create a trigger (or trigger) in MYSQL to tell us which user deleted a record in a table manufacturers in our computer database (see database item of this notebook).
Although the 1 am will realize this manual in the afternoon because I was working with a partner on this and I realized that mysql support triggers easily perform insert default records as
CURRENT_USER ( )=> Insert the user who performed the surgery for free, - CURRENT_DATE () => Insert the date performed the surgery for free, - CURRENT_TIME () => Insert the time it was performed the surgery for free,
=> Insert the date and time it was performed the surgery for free, But inserting records such as the code or name for the record to delete (or update) with a trigger requires more skill I hope to be clarified now.
Hands to work wing Creating tables (note: the database can call computer or the name they wish)
SET SQL code sql_mode = "NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO"
CREATE TABLE `articles` (
SET SQL code sql_mode = "NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO"
CREATE TABLE `articles` (
` varchar (100) default NULL, `PRICE
` int (11) default NULL, `CODFRABICANTE ` int (11) NOT NULL,
VALUES (100, 'MOUSE', 4230, 5),
(101, ' DELL Notebook ', 439223, 3),
(102,' Tower 50 DVD + R ', 7110, 1),
(104,' Base Notebook ', 22514, 8),
(105 , "Computer Assembled PIV ', 178214, 10), (106,' Multimedia Keyboard PS / 2 ', 4491, 6),
(107,' Aspire 5610 Notebook ', 466223, 4),
(108, 'Laser Printer', 12591, 7)
(109, 'Headphone and microphone Gamer', 18923, 9),
(110, 'USB notebook lamp', 9000, 5),
(111, 'mouse pad', 891, 10) ,
(112, 'Key PAD', 2691, 1),
(112, 'Screen Cleaner', 4500, 8),
(113, 'Backpack Notebook', 29723, 6);
CREATE TABLE `manufacturers` (
`CODE` int (11) NOT NULL, `NAME
` varchar (100) default NULL,
INSERT INTO `manufacturers` (`CODE`, `name`) VALUES
(1, 'National Isumo and co. ")
(3,' Dell Computer Inc. '), (2,' HP '),
(4,' International Steel '),
(5,' Genius'), (6, 'PC Tronix'),
(7, 'Sony'),
(8, 'Kensington'),
(9, 'Logitech'),
(10, 'National Importing');
ALTER TABLE `articles`
Well we already have 2 related tables (manufacturers and articles) now create a new table we will call changes.
CREATE TABLE `changes' (
` id `int (11) NOT NULL,` nombre_art
`varchar (50) default NULL, ` user `varchar (50) default NULL,
`DATE` TIMESTAMP (0) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00 ', PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
This table will store the item id, name, user, date and time to delete a table record manufacturers. Building
Trigger CREATE TRIGGER `` informatica. Fabricantes_before_ins_tr `` BEFORE DELETE ON `computing`. `Manufacturers`
SET id = old.CODIGO changes, nombre_art = old.Nombre, username = CURRENT_USER (), date = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
In this case I used it
is a delete
in the table but if it were a
update or insert to use the alias New
Now we can only eliminate any record of the table manufacturers and reviewing changes in the table as has been almacenda information.
Note: To create trigger must have super user attributes database engine.
(If it fails check the semicolons and Blogger did remove some special characters to upload the information.)
more information in wikipedia x Jlara.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Cervical Mucus Increase And Late Period
changing the MAC on Linux
more or less a month I had to install a linux server as a gateway, firewall and Proxi ... Known in a hotel in the region. The situation was as follows:
1. There was a dedicated Internet connection and in its place was a DHCP (VTR) company that stands to capture the MAC Address of network card so only provide the internet connection to a computer. Well originally existed a router with Mac Clone option to share one a single network connection. I for one had to physically separate the network into 2 networks .. up there all ok ... but as well I had to configure a firewall and Internet sharing me I found the need to clone the MAC address of the router to the card eth0 Linux (Debian 4.0) ...
The way to do it. 1 .- Install
aptitude install (apt-get install) 2 .- Stop network / etc / init.d / networking stop
3 .- Clone MAC
macchanger-m XX: XX: XX: XX: XX: XX eth0
With the latter I enter the MAC address custom
4 .- Start
network / etc / init.d / networking start
With that and the output can gain Internet for eth0.
No doubt you can do many things and although the MAC guada Machango and load automatically, to make sure I create a small script that is loaded along with the launch of the network (to keep the MAC).
# macchanger eth1 Current MAC: 00:40:96:43: ef: 9c [wireless] (Cisco / Aironet 4800/340) Faked MAC : 00:40 : 96:43: ef: 9d [wireless] (Cisco / Aironet 4800/340)
# macchanger - endding
eth1 Current MAC: 00:40:96:43: e8: ec [wireless] (Cisco / Aironet 4800 / 340)
Faked MAC: 00:40:96:6 f: 0f: f2 [wireless] (Cisco / Aironet 4800/340)
# macchanger - another eth1
Current MAC: 00:40:96:43:87:1f [wireless] (Cisco/Aironet 4800/340) Faked MAC: 00:02:2d:ec:00:6f [wireless] (Lucent Wavelan IEEE)
# macchanger -A eth1
Current MAC: 00:40:96:43:39:a6 [wireless] (Cisco/Aironet 4800/340)
Faked MAC: 00:10:5a:1e:06:93 (3Com, Fast Etherlink XL in a Gateway)
# macchanger -r eth1
Current MAC: 00:40:96:43:f1:fc [wireless] (Cisco/Aironet 4800/340) Faked MAC: 6b:fd:10:37:d2:34 (unknown)
# macchanger --mac=01:23:45:67:89:AB eth1 Current MAC: 00:40:96:43:87:65 [wireless] (Cisco/Aironet 4800/340) Faked MAC: 01:23:45:67:89: ab (unknown)
more or less a month I had to install a linux server as a gateway, firewall and Proxi ... Known in a hotel in the region. The situation was as follows:
1. There was a dedicated Internet connection and in its place was a DHCP (VTR) company that stands to capture the MAC Address of network card so only provide the internet connection to a computer. Well originally existed a router with Mac Clone option to share one a single network connection. I for one had to physically separate the network into 2 networks .. up there all ok ... but as well I had to configure a firewall and Internet sharing me I found the need to clone the MAC address of the router to the card eth0 Linux (Debian 4.0) ...
The way to do it. 1 .- Install
aptitude install (apt-get install) 2 .- Stop
3 .- Clone MAC
macchanger-m XX: XX: XX: XX: XX: XX eth0
With the latter I enter the MAC address custom
4 .- Start
network / etc / init.d / networking start
With that and the output can gain Internet for eth0.
No doubt you can do many things and although the MAC guada Machango and load automatically, to make sure I create a small script that is loaded along with the launch of the network (to keep the MAC).
# macchanger eth1 Current MAC: 00:40:96:43: ef: 9c [wireless] (Cisco / Aironet 4800/340) Faked MAC : 00:40 : 96:43: ef: 9d [wireless] (Cisco / Aironet 4800/340)
# macchanger - endding
eth1 Current MAC: 00:40:96:43: e8: ec [wireless] (Cisco / Aironet 4800 / 340)
Faked MAC: 00:40:96:6 f: 0f: f2 [wireless] (Cisco / Aironet 4800/340)
# macchanger - another eth1
Current MAC: 00:40:96:43:87:1f [wireless] (Cisco/Aironet 4800/340) Faked MAC: 00:02:2d:ec:00:6f [wireless] (Lucent Wavelan IEEE)
# macchanger -A eth1
Current MAC: 00:40:96:43:39:a6 [wireless] (Cisco/Aironet 4800/340)
Faked MAC: 00:10:5a:1e:06:93 (3Com, Fast Etherlink XL in a Gateway)
# macchanger -r eth1
Current MAC: 00:40:96:43:f1:fc [wireless] (Cisco/Aironet 4800/340) Faked MAC: 6b:fd:10:37:d2:34 (unknown)
# macchanger --mac=01:23:45:67:89:AB eth1 Current MAC: 00:40:96:43:87:65 [wireless] (Cisco/Aironet 4800/340) Faked MAC: 01:23:45:67:89: ab (unknown)
#. / Macchanger - list = Cray--- --- ------
Misc MACs: MAC Vendor Num
065 - 00:00:7 d - Cray Research SuperServers,
Inc 068 - 00:00:80 - Cray Communications (formerly Dowty Network Services)
317 - 00:40: a6 - Cray Research Inc.
Visit the site macchanger
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